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-Stephen King

And these ebooks, you can have these on your device and enjoy them anywhere and everywhere you want!

And what's better is, having these power-packed ebooks with you is that you can quickly refer to important points and get quick tips, during public speaking, before your interview, or just, anywhere!

Here's a collection of ebooks on some of the most important topics and sub-topics that can help you to grow your career at various stages.

Do have a look at these ebooks, maybe you could find magic too!

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Everything About Interviews

Along with practice and preparation, acing interviews requires an understanding of the type of interviews and a few tips to improve your performance. This ebook presents all the important topics about interviews that you need to know!

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Resume Writing: Everything You Need to Know

Your resume often acts as your first impression. Candidates for a job position are screened based on their resumes first and to get through this first round, you need to create an impressive resume. This ebook throws light on how you can make a resume that gets selected. 

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Leveraging LinkedIn

LinkedIn has emerged to be a powerful tool when it comes to career growth. LinkedIn hosts millions of professionals and experts from various fields. Using LinkedIn effectively can skyrocket your career growth. From creating a LinkedIn profile to networking using LinkedIn, this ebook focuses on all LinkedIn-related important topics. 

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Career Growth During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The pandemic took the world by storm.  But now, it's time to rebuild. When opportunities seem distant, all we can do is, upskill ourselves and keep up the high spirit. This ebook will give you an idea of how can you reinvent your career, during and post covid crisis.

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