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Tips for Public Speaking

Updated: Jun 2, 2021

Are you afraid of Public speaking? Yikes! Just thinking about public speaking—routinely described as one of the greatest (and most common) fears—can make your palms sweat. But there are many ways to tackle this anxiety and learn to deliver a memorable speech. Public speaking is the skill of communicating information to a large set of audience. It can be done in school, colleges, offices, events in order to transfer your knowledge of a particular subject. Every time you speak in public, it boosts your self-confidence.

The survey by R.H. Bruskin Associates from July 1973. This survey asked people about their different fears. The results showed that 41% of people were afraid of public speaking. And only 19% of people stated that they were afraid of death.

Public speaking is a very important aspect to improve our leadership skills and confidence level. Many people can't express their views due to the fear of public speaking. Public speaking is also helpful to gain knowledge. When we prepare to speak in front of the audience we start collecting information on a particular topic. This process increases our knowledge about that topic. However, still, public speaking is commonly stated as the number one fear above everything else.

“All the great speakers were bad speakers at first.”

Everyone wants to improve confidence speak publically; here are some tips and tricks that will help you to overcome the fear of public speaking:

Tips for Public Speaking

1. Know your audience:

If you are speaking in front of a large audience, you must know the reason why people are gathered together. You must know what type of audience you are going to address and what they want to hear from you or need to take away from your speech. It depends on the type of event and accordingly you should plan and formulate your speech. If it's a technical event, teach and inspire the audience. Motivational speakers motivate the audience with their knowledge and communication skills.

2. Voice Control and Body Posture:

Your voice is an important tool you will use as a public speaker. Control your tone, volume, and pitch according to the topic or environment. Body language is a combination of facial expressions, gestures, and movements that convey what's going on in your mind. Stand up straight, it will give you self confidence. Be facially expressive and plant your feet. Shifting your weight from side to side can lull your audience into a semi-hypnotic state (also known as sleep).

3. Practice in front of the mirror:

Practicing in front of a mirror is an easy way to evaluate yourself in different aspects. You can identify and analyze the mistakes you are doing while speaking. While practicing in front of the mirror you can analyze your body language, eye contact, and hand movements. A similar way is to record yourself in a camera and analyze the recording later.

4. Delivery:

When it comes to public speaking, delivery is everything. Even if you have a great voice and good body language, your message will get lost if the audience can't easily follow what you say. Speak at an optimum speed, because if you talk too fast the audience will have a hard time understanding you. Talk too slowly and you risk putting them to sleep. Talking at a conversational pace is your safest bet. Avoid filler words like "um", "you know" it can disconnect attention grabbed. You can add a pause in between the ideas so that the audience can digest your point. Carefully articulate and pronounce the words.

Tips for Public Speaking

5. Make the presentation:

Prepare an attractive presentation of your topic. Make sure to include bullet points, infographics, images instead of adding text only paragraphs. The font should be visible to each and every person attending the event. Make an interactive presentation by adding animation or audio and video clip, so that people will not get bored and will enjoy your talk.

6. Know the environment:

Know the venue or place where you have to deliver a speech. If possible get there well ahead of time. Walk in the room, walk on stage. Make yourself familiar with the environment so you feel more comfortable when it's "go time."

7. Take every opportunity to speak:

The only way to get better at anything is, to do it, whenever you get an opportunity. If you do things regularly and try to overcome your mistakes you can master that activity over time. So if you get an opportunity to speak in front of the audience then try to grab that opportunity and learn from it.

8. Tell a Story:

In the first 30 seconds of the presentation, you should talk about what you are going to speak in the speech. So to make it interesting for the audience try to formulate a story. Share some personal information or experience so it catches their attention.

9. Make eye contact:

Maintaining eye contact in speech or presentation can help you to keep the audience engaged. You should maintain eye contact most of the time while speaking. This helps to display interest and confidence. Once you establish eye contact, maintain or hold it for 4-5 seconds.


Public Speaking is a great way to connect with people. It enables you to express your ideas and opinions. It is the most important skill that everyone should master in order to grow in their career and life. The key points to consider for a successful public speaking are your mindset, interaction during the speech, and your body language. The points mentioned in this article will help you to keep yourself confident when you speak in front of a larger audience.


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