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Body Language During an Interview

During your interview, there is another invisible interview going on by the interviewer, which is the inspection of your body language, the way you sit, the way you walk, the way you talk, are all being observed. Often body language is a major make or break point while clearing interviews.

Body language matters as much as your resume to the interviewer, hence it is an important area on which you must take a look.

“A good stance and posture reflect a proper state of mind.”

Let’s take a look at some tips regarding body language that you must follow to give a good impression:

Body Language During an Interview


Your smile expresses many things about your personality. Have a pleasant smile on your face while giving an interview. That would create a positive atmosphere and vibes in the interview room. This shows that you are positively looking forward to the interview and you are confident. Have a smile, that is neither too wide nor too timid.

Body Language During an Interview

Eye Contact

Eye contact can reflect your confidence level in an interview. The eye contact makes the other person believe that you are confident.

It is very important to maintain it throughout the interview. Eyes speak so many things about you and one can easily understand your emotions.

Maintaining eye contact does not mean that you should stare at the interviewer, but you should make eye contact for a couple of seconds. If you are facing more than one interviewer, address the one who asks you the question, but make sure that you are making eye contact with each of them.

Body Language During an Interview

Sitting Style

Your sitting posture defines whether you are open-minded or narrow-minded. If you are sitting with the legs crossed which means you are not open to the new ideas, so its better to sit with both the legs parallel to each other and your feet touching the ground.

Sit comfortably on the chair and try not to move or adjust yourself repetitively, this shows your nervousness and fear. Keep your shoulders relaxed and straight.

Sitting in a proper posture is mainly important to have a good first impression. It also eases down your stress level.

Body Language During an Interview

Hand Gestures

Your hands speak a lot! Try to move your hands in coordination with your words. Hand movements are signs of honesty and openness. You can also rest your hand on the lap.

Hand gestures reduce your nervousness and boost your energy. Most of the candidates sit rigidly during an interview and never show any hand gestures, this makes them miss out on making a strong point for everything that they say.

Body Language During an Interview


Walk calmly in the interview room without stumbling. Stumbling would create an awkward situation for you. Also, watch your standing and walking style. Interviewees are judged on these bases as well. Make sure you are standing straight, in doing so push your shoulders back, keep your chin up, and stand with your feet slightly apart.

Body Language During an Interview

Touching your face

You might have heard that when someone touches the face during the conversation it is considered that the person is lying or hiding something. The candidates who touch the face many times during an interview are considered to be dishonest and untrustworthy. Touching your nose, scribbling your head will show that you are not interested in the conversation.

Playing with your accessories shows that you have bored from the conversation and you are an impatient person.

Many of the time candidates play with their hair and jewelry and hence fail to get selected. The simple way to avoid this is to wear fewer accessories as no one is going to appoint you for the things you are wearing.

Body Language During an Interview


You won’t believe it, but there are various types of handshakes. Firm hold with two shakes and eye contact for 2 seconds have a good impact than other gestures. In an increasingly competitive business world, it’s very important to make the right impression to stand out from the rest. It all starts with the handshake.


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