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5 ways to improve your Self-Discipline

I have a question for you, What habits are holding you back in life? Think upon them, are they, failures procrastination, lack of time management? Most often all these can be traced back to some kind of lack of Self-discipline.

They say, Self-discipline will get you farther than motivation ever will.

Self-discipline is the ability to control one's feelings and overcome one's weaknesses.

It will allow you to stay focused on your goals. It gives you the power to stick to your decisions and follow them through and is therefore one of the important requirements for achieving goals. It's not that tough, trust me!

If you want to become successful then the real secret behind it is “Self Discipline.” For example, Andrew Carnegie one of the richest men in modern history hired Napoleon Hill to find out the most successful and richest people across the land. When he was traveling, he ultimately concluded that the success behind the rich people is Self-discipline and it is the bridge between target and success.

Success is the sum of small habits repeated day in and day out. Self-discipline is one of them. It is a learned skill or habit and not an innate quality. It can't be spoon-fed by anyone, it needs to be developed and nurtured properly. Stop procrastinating and start working on it from this day itself.

Self-discipline helps you to take steps towards your long-term goals. It can be developed with happiness and comfort and its development is highly rewarding and satisfying. There are some ingredients needed to be self-disciplined. Are aware of them?

How to Build Self Discipline?

1. Focus on your goal:

Write down your goals in long term with a wide perspective. Breakdown it into interim goals with deadlines. Yearly, monthly, weakly, and then daily goals. Get your daily milestones sketched out on an hourly basis, a night before going to sleep. Your goals can be set on a priority basis.

Make sure that you set SMART goals for yourself i.e. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. Set goals and crush them!

 How to Build Self Discipline

2. Resilience - Try try but don't cry:

Don't fear failures, fear regrets. When your goals are fixed, try to achieve them with your full potential. If you fail to achieve some of them, move on to the next goal with fresh energy. But don't forget to keep a record of the mistakes you have done, try to overcome them, and avoid the same mistakes in the future. You can learn from your mistakes only. Resilience is the ability to try, fail, and keep trying again.

 How to Build Self Discipline

3. Track Progress:

Journaling is an important tool to remain motivated and disciplined. Maintain a record of your milestones that you have achieved and which you couldn't. You can write down your improvement areas as well. Periodically check your journal entries and update them.

 How to Build Self Discipline

4. Physical Fitness:

Take a break throughout the day, exercise daily, start meditating, and take plenty of sleep. Enjoy with friends, colleagues, and family. However, developing these habits takes some time and requires discipline. It's easier to give your 100 % to whatever you are working on in present. Physical fitness is to the human body what fine-tuning is to an engine. If you want your engine to work efficiently in the long run, exercise is your fuel. When you love yourself then you can achieve self-discipline.

 How to Build Self Discipline

5. Time Management:

Each one of us has 24 hours in a day, but only a few of us utilize it to our full potential. It's not a piece of cake and not even a tough grind if you know how to do it. Time can't run according to your convenience but definitely, you can. When you break down your goals in a time table, prioritize your tasks for the day. First things should be done first followed by the less priority one. Everyone has the same amount of time to do daily activities and a self-disciplined mind helps you to manage the activity within time.


Self-discipline is your basic skill. You cannot be perfect every day but you can challenge every day and do your best. People with self-discipline are happier than others because they have the satisfaction which leads to happiness.


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